August 30, 2003 Board Minutes

Minutes of the August 30th MTLA Board of Directors Meeting

(these are unofficial until approved)

August 30th, 10:00 am, Agenda distributed
10:05 am meeting called to order. Roll Call
Present: Brad Hancock, John Ingle, Danielle Andrews, Maritza Andrews, Sabina Knoerr, Randy Ingle, John Hodges.
Excused: Donny Heinze, Rick Baldwin, Carolyn Hawk, Joan Wilkin
Absent: Donna Bridges, Rusty Hollingsworth
Quorum met with the seven attendees.

Invocation – led by Brad Hancock

Approval of minutes from last meeting – not available, due to the absence of the Secretary/Treasurer. Brief synopsis provided by President. Will be approved at next meeting.

Executive Member Reports


Due to absence of Sec/Treas. Current account balances were provided.

Checking Account: $3109.09
Savings Account: $1857.76
Youth Account: $1944.25

Total Cash Available $6911.10

Status of affiliate federal tax returns were discussed. Item to follow up with preparer to determine actual filing status
. Membership update. John Ingle needs an updated list of members who are current on their dues. He offered to re-bill those that have allowed their membership to lapse due to non-payment. An accurate count of members cannot be provided until the list of those with paid dues is provided.
Discussion of how the lifetime membership effects annual revenue. A proposal was made to look into raising lifetime dues. No action taken at this time.
Show Profit/Loss Reports – none available at meeting time.

Youth Director

Due to poor past attendance, it was decided that no Christmas party will be scheduled this year. Particiaption awards are currently being selected. Ideas include leather show clips with the participants name engraved on a brass plate. Prices are being solicited for these items. More complete report available at next meeting. There was discussion that reiterated the need for the show chairmen to enforce the attire regulations during team judging events. It was also decided that in the future, teams for team judging would be selected by random drawings.
Several new ideas were presented for the RV Ranch youth camp next year. It has been proposed that the youth will be responsible for all aspects of conducting a show. Adults will be the exhibitors. More detail will be provided later from the Youth Director. In her portion of the newsletter the youth director will ask for input as to what types of awards the youth prefer to receive in the youth shows.

Old Business

Show Chairman Guidelines. Discussion centered around actual need for this document. It was essentially the same as the book provided by the ITLA. Motion was made by Brad Hancock to table adoption of this document, seconded by John Ingle. Vote carried , unanimously none opposed, none abstained.
A motion was made to adopt The MTLA Show Chairperson Proposed Budget form by Randy Ingle. Motion seconded by Sabina Knoerr. Vote carried , unanimously, none opposed, none abstained. Any show chairman that will be presenting a show for the MTLA will be required to submit this form before a budget is approved for the show.

Spending Guidelines. A motion was made by Randy Ingle to table discussion on this item. Second by Danielle Andrews. Vote carried unanimously. None opposed, none abstained.

Convention Sponsorship and Silent Auction. Results of telephone poll were discussed. Motion made by Randy Ingle to not repoen this item for discussion. Second by Danielle Andrews. Motion carried unanimously, none opposed, none abstained.

Artwork for the sponsorship ad was submitted (by John Ingle) for inclusion in the ITLA Championship Show Book. Motion made by Randy Ingle to accept ad as presented, second by Danielle Andrews. Motion carried unanimously, none opposed, none abstained.

New Business

Show Committee assignment. Currently no show chairpersons have been selected. Action item developed to contact Ronnie and Katrina Easterling to determine if they are still willing to act as show chairpersons. Sugestion made to contact Donnie Heinze to determine if he is willing to cat as a show chairman. General discussion agreed that we need to hold at least two shows this year. Some discussion followed about types of awards to be given at the shows.

It was agreed that the MTLA should invest in the purchase of an entire hair-on hide, offered at a substantial discount, for future awards from Possums Saddlery. The amount was below $200, so authorization was given to purchase under petty cash rules and submit for reimbursement.

Discussion of concerns about last election procedures. Motion made by Sabina Knoerr to accept results of last election. Second by Randy Ingle. Vote carried by majority present. None opposed, 1 abstained (Brad Hancock). Discussion about how to ensure that the procedure is carried out according to bylaws ensued. The next MTLA newsletter will solicit nominations for those positions coming open next election.

Selection of Unsung Hero award. Motion made by John Ingle to conduct this selection by written ballot. Seconded by Danielle Andrews. Vote carried unanimously, none opposed, none abstained. Ballots were completed by those in attendance and one by proxy (Donny Heinze indicated his nomination by telephone call previous evening). Votes counted by an impartial attendee (Woody Woodside) – results were 5 for John Ingle, 3 for Sabina Knoerr, 2 for Maritza Andrews. John Ingle selected as Unsung Hero of the MTLA for 2003.

Discussion of MTLA 10th year anniversary. It was decided to commission Coyote Designs of Stephenville to screen print commemorative T-Shirts with a design generally approved of by those in attendance. The color of the shirts are to be light grey, with brands in black lettering and the MTLA Logo on front and other artwork on back to be green. Members can have their brand incorporated into the design by a $10 donation. Estimated cost will be $15 per shirt. This information will be included in the next MTLA newsletter.

A motion to consider having a veterinarian present at an MTLA show to verify age of animals entered by inspection (mouthing) was presented by proxy for Donnie Heinze by Brad Hancock. No second was received, no recorded discussion followed after motion made. Motion died.

Another motion by proxy was submitted by Brad Hancock for Carolyn Hawk that proposed an amendment to the MTLA Bylaws Article III, section 3 (Qualifications of Board Members) to include a minimum age limit of 25 years. No second received, motion died. Discussion centered about not having any minimum age in requirement – general assessment was that a minimum age of 18 was inferred by Texas Corporate Law. No further motions followed discussion of this topic.

Discussion of MTLA liability insurance policy. It was generally agreed to keep the coverage in force for a whole year since the cost to cover two events (shows) was nearly the same as the cost for the entire year. This would relieve any show chairman from having to get insurance quotes if they decided to have a one-day ranch show, and this also covered the Youth Camp. More information was requested from John Hodges about the provider used for the ITLA show.

General discussion on the new interpretation of the ITLA Standardized Rule Book that will allow youth under the age of six to show cattle unassisted in the open and youth classes (vice peewee exhibition class only) was started by Randy Ingle. The most prevalent concern was liability of the affiliate promoting a show if an unruly animal (not necessarily the one being exhibited by the child) were to cause injury. Motion was made by Randy Ingle to adopt an MTLA policy that would mandate that youth six years old and younger will only be allowed to show in the Pee Wee Exhibition Division only, and that they also must be accompanied by an adult. Second was made by Sabina Knoerr. Vote passed by majority, 1 opposed (John Ingle), none abstained. It was agreed that this new policy would be included in the wording on the standard MTLA Show Entry Form. Discussion after the motion carried centered on whether the adults accompanying the youth would be required to meet the show arena attire requirements. It was decided that this would be enforced by the show chairman at his discretion.