Current News
I hope you have all had a great summer, and are gearing up for all the things that fall will bring. There are a couple of shows left to round out the year. WTLA will be holding their show in Post, Texas this month, just outside of Lubbock. This is their first show at this facility, so we hope that you will find a way to support their efforts. The Rice Festival Show in Winnie, Texas is back on the calendar this year for Oct. 1st. The Convention will be held again this year in Glen Rose, Texas on Oct. 12-15th. Larry Smith II is show chairman again this year, and probably would not turn down your offer to volunteer to help out in some way Rounding out the season will be the Winchester Heifer Futurity that Donny Taylor puts on down in Lufkin, Texas on October 29th. Load your best animals and get them to these shows and events in your area.
We had a great show season this year with our shows at Belton and Weatherford. Thanks to everyone who came out to support us. We had 164 entries at Belton, and 88 entries for our one day show in Weatherford. Both shows added some cash to our bottom line, so we are thankful to all of the exhibitors and volunteers that helped to make the shows a success. We have more events planned for 2005 and hope that we might see you at some of them. We have our end of year planning meeting scheduled for Sept. 24th at Randy Ingle's house in Granbury, Texas to talk about plans for the 2006 show season, and we are once again planning for our Christmas Party to be held in December. If you have anything that you want the Board to consider, please contact one of our directors and discuss the issue with them.
Finally, I hope that you will join me in praying for our soldiers abroad, that they will return home safely, and also for the horrible destruction that hurricanes Katrina and Rita have brought to the victims in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas.
- Donny -
This year we have another graduate from our youth program. Ryley McCullar graduated from Bowie High School, and was recently awarded the school's highest honor in the field of agriculture, the DEKALB Agricultural Accomplishment Award. He also won proficiency awards for his Diversified Farmer Degree and the Ag- Mechanic Degree and the chapter, area and district level. Ryley has been active in showing longhorns, and goats with the FFA. He has been a youth member of MTLA and ITLA, and served two terms as ITLA Youth President. We hope that Ryley will continue to be involved with his longhorns, and will have great success with his endeavors in the future.
Congratulations Ryley !
RV Ranch held their 7th youth camp back in February, and we saw a lot of interest from several new families that attended this year. We had kids here from all over Texas, as well as from out of state. Roger Meyer brought his granddaughter Crystal Kassales down from Ohio again, and Valerie Keating brought her son Christopher down from Missouri again this year. New families included the Lewis' from Missouri who brought Kayla and Joshua, and the Cunningham's from Louisiana who brought Nikki and Chance. With all of the interest from out of state and from within Texas, it is obvious that the camp is benefiting youth who are active in showing longhorns and those wanting to give it a try.
We had some familiar faces again this year as instructors. Bart May, Larry Smith, Raelynn Stephens, and Brad & Robin Hancock stepped up to the plate to lend their expertise. We had over 20 kids that were in the basic "Getting Started" class this year. The advanced classes had 20 or more kids in them as well. Thanks to Sabina Knoerr and Martiza Andrews for helping with the pee-wee's again this year.
Johnny & Leonna Adkins came with their chuck wagon again this year and we had chicken fried steak for dinner Saturday night and breakfast burritos Sunday morning. What a treat it was to have them handle all of the cooking. We fed the greatest number of people to date this year, with 91 adults and kids for lunch.
Although we lost any affiliation we had with ITLA this year, we were strongly supported by two longhorn affiliates, MTLA and ORVTLA, several local businesses who donated T-Shirts, soft drinks, and food, and a host of generous members and friends who have made a commitment to benefiting the youth in our program. With each year's increase in attendance, it is certainly by the generosity of these sponsors that this program continues. Thanks to each of our sponsors for your help.
I have added some photos to the 2004 camp page, and am working on a "Quiz" to test your skills. You can find links to both of these pages at the top of our main camp page at "t3texas.tripod.com/camp.html". If you have kids interested in showing longhorns, would like to be added to our mailing list, or would like to become a sponsor, please call (254) 965-4412, and we hope to see you here in February.
TEAM JUDGING - JUDGE Raelynn Stephens
 | 1st Team
Brittany Drake
BJ Kinsel
Aaron Hyde
Garrett McCarty
 | 2nd Team
Tuff Kinsel
Beth Ann Hyde
Paul Evans
 | 3rd Team
Pam Kinsel
Kurt Overberg
Danielle McCarty
SHOWMANSHIP - JUDGE Stephanie Carrington
 | Junior
1st BJ Kinsel
2nd Tuff Kinsel
 | Intermediate
1st Amanda Short
2nd Kurt Overberg
3rd Aaron Hyde
 | Teen
1st Pam Kinsel
2nd Paul Evans
 | Senior
1st Beth Ann Hyde
2nd Brittany Drake
3rd Danielle McCarty
We would like to welcome some new members to our affiliate. Joining so far this year are Stan & Raelynn Stephens who live in Walnut Springs, Texas. Raelynn is our Region 11 Director for the ITLA and has supported MTLA for many years. Also new to MTLA are Frank & Joni Brand. They live in Energy, Texas with their daughter Kiauna, and operate a large dairy. Recent transplants to Cross Plains, Texas, and new members to MTLA are Stan and Jimmie Jernigan. They have been very supportive of MTLA, and we are glad to have them as members.
Joining at our board meeting were Janice Heinze with an individual membership, and Mark Chapman, whom you have seen along side Donna Bridges at our shows and events. Welcome aboard!
Metroplex held their year's end board meeting at Randy Ingle's house on September 24th, to discuss plans for the year ahead. Randy provided the barbeque chicken and ribs, and everyone brought a side dish for the meal prior to the meeting. Directors and family in attendance were, Donny Heinze, John Ingle, Donna Bridges, Craig Buchanan, Bill Kinsel, Renee Carrington, Bob Rubel, and Randy Ingle. Directors Gilbert Vickers and Tim Drake were excused from attending due to fuel costs and were permitted to vote by ballot on issues concerning expenditures, judges, etc. In addition, inquiries were sent to several members concerning selection for judges for our upcoming shows. Only one inquiry was returned prior to the meeting, so I can assume that selection of judges is no longer an issue.
President Donny Heinze called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Bill Kinsel. With the absence of our secretary/treasurer, the previous minutes were not available, nor was the financial report. Minutes were kept by Donna Bridges. We had several items for consideration before us, the first being expenditures. We voted to purchase up to three folding tables and chairs for use at our shows. Also, we voted to purchase a pop-up tent in the medium quality range. Craig Buchanan said that we could purchase a good quality tent for $200 or less. He also offered to acquire the items for us, which will be placed in our trailer. Next followed a long discussion of sponsoring the ITLA Convention. Several members discussed their views, and the general feeling was one of abandonment. We feel that we have lost any support we had from ITLA. In response to the concerns that were discussed that the meeting, a letter is being drafted by Director, Bob Rubel, to be presented to our Region 11 Director for them to present to the ITLA BOD at their next meeting. Several MTLA Board Members agreed to attend the meeting in support of the issues. We remain strongly in favor of being an ITLA affiliate, however, after an open vote on the subject, all present and one written ballot (with one director abstaining) agreed not to support this year's Convention with a financial sponsorship.
A discussion of our upcoming show season followed, with Donny indicating that the facility at Belton was available for an end of April show. We agreed to pursue this venue for our main show. We agreed to trim our awards budget back by $500 from last year's budget. Several items of concern were the economic conditions that may face next year's show season, and ideas were solicited to make our shows as reasonable as possible. Nothing was set in stone as to the possibilities of changing our format for our main show. Leadership for our 2006 show season falls in the capable hands of Director, Bill Kinsel, who anxiously agreed to act as show chairman. We agreed and voted in approval of managing our show fees differently for our members versus our non-member participants. Beginning with next year's show season, non-member fees for showing will be an additional $5.00 per entry over what the members fees are. There will be an inclusion of becoming a member on the entry form when it is sent out. You can either choose to pay the $35 membership fee, or an additional $5 per entry. As for selection of judges to consider for 2006, we received several names for consideration. As part of our criteria, we try not to use the same judges in consecutive show seasons for up to two years. Judges under this criteria were omitted from the list. We ended up with 4 - 6 judges names for consideration, and will contact them to see if they will accept. Once they are confirmed, they will be announced for 2006.
For our elections in January, we had 5 positions that were open for 2006 - 2009. Donny Heinze's term expired and he has agreed to run another term. Also, Donna Bridges term has expired and she agreed to another term as well. In addition, members who have agreed to run on the upcoming ballot are Lifetime member, Bart May, and new members, Janice Heinze and Mark Chapman. The ballot will go out in January and will also include nominations from the membership. Thanks to all of the members who have agreed to serve our board.
We agreed that a Christmas Party will be held again this year, and that MTLA will furnish the meal for all of our members. The location and format will be the same as last year's Chinese Christmas, and will be held once again at Ryan's Steakhouse in Fort Worth, Texas. The tentative date was set for Saturday December 10th at 1 pm. Look for your formal invitation in the mail soon.
Youth Director, Bill Kinsel was dismissed prior to any discussion concerning youth activities, other than discussion of a "Turnabout" show which we had covered earlier in the meeting.
We discussed the new 2006 Membership Directory that Bob Rubel has agreed to provide, and await new information which is solicited in this newsletter.
Being late in the afternoon, a motion was made to adjourn.
At our board meeting we unanimously selected Mike McCullar as our "Unsung Hero" for 2005. Mike brought his cooker along and cooked our meal at the Weatherford Show this year. The Unsung Hero is a program that ITLA supports to recognize actions over and above what would normally be expected of members. Each year the affiliates submit their nomination, and the presentation will be made at the ITLA Convention. Congratulations Mike on being selected this year's recipient of our highest award.
September 2004 Newsletter

Current News
Fall is here this week, and the Convention is upon us. Everyone planning to attend should have their cows in top notch shape for the big show. We are happy to be able to sponsor the Convention for $500 this year. This will get us an ad in the show book, our banner hung in the ring, and two seats at the banquet Best of luck to all of our members showing.
We should be having a BOD planning meeting soon to discuss our upcoming shows for 2005. I sent out a questionnaire regarding our next show season, and have received a few of them back. From the few that I got, it looks like there is a desire to have our two shows, and the youth Turnabout Show, with the possibility of adding a JackPot Show as a one day event. Of course, if we put on all these shows, we are going to need Chairpersons and volunteers. We also need to secure some facilities that can
accommodate us, and we are looking at facilities in Graham, Brenham, Wichita Falls and others. Hopefully we can get some of these things set, along with some dates and a list of possible judges at our fall planning meeting.
According to Laurie, we had a very successful show season last year with some very well attended shows. Entries were up over last year, and we had several people who pitched in to help gather sponsorships and advertising. Our bank account is way up, even after paying all of our bills. Most all of our requests for purchases have been filled, so we need to solicit ideas on how we should use the money to help our affiliate.
We are thankful to all of our members who pitched in and helped us with our show season this past year. You have truly helped us to be successful. With any luck, our 2005 season will be just as great, and we look forward to celebrating that with each of you. Hope to catch you at a show or other event soon. - Donny -
We are already making plans for our 7th youth camp, and YOU should be making plans to attend. The camps continue to grow in size, and more things are being added to keep the activities fresh for those who have attended in the past, and for the new kids that are introduced to longhorns through the camp. Speaking of new kids, last year we saw our greatest number of new kids attending the camp. We had kids down from Utah, Ohio, and Kansas, as well as many new faces from around the area. We also started a mentor program where some of our recent camp graduates came back as instructors to help with the camp. We opened up last year to some individual sponsors that had expressed an interest in supporting the camp, and this gave us the opportunity to do some things we hadn’t been able to do in the past. Our biggest expense probably is food. We prepare three meals for all of the youth and guests, and each year this number continues to grow. Thankfully, we have always been able to meet the financial responsibilities of the camp without having to charge a fee for attending. I would rather not have the camp than to have to ask the kids to pay. The chuck wagon was a big help last year to take the load off of preparing meals, and hopefully, we will be able to bring the chuck wagon back. We are blessed with great sponsors, and a host of people who volunteer at the camp to help things run smoothly, and we are really looking forward to the camp in February.
I have added some photos to the 2004 camp page, and am working on a “Quiz” to test your skills. You can find links to both of these pages at the top of our main camp page at "t3texas.tripod.com/camp.html". If you have kids interested in showing longhorns, would like to be added to our mailing list, or would like to become a sponsor, please call (254) 965-4412, and we hope to see you here in February.

The following is our financial report as of September 15th, 2004. I think we are in great shape financially, with all that we have bought and paid for recently. The Turnabout Show brought in $872.08, and I transfered $225.30 out of the youth fund to the general fund to pay for expenses we paid for the show. This left them a net of $646.78 which was deposited into their account. We have paid the ITLA expenses and the Silver Horn Sponsorship for the Convention, and have bought most of the new equipment that was requested, so things look good. - Laurie - |
Balance Sheet |
September 15th, 2004 |
Checking Saint Jo | 5483.11 |
Savings Saint Jo | 2875.52 |
Youth Fund Saint Jo | 2610.62 |
Total Assets | 10969.25 |
MTLA held their first meeting with the new board members in place on July 11th at Randy Ingle’s home in Granbury, Tx. We had near perfect attendance with only Maritza Andrews, Sabina Knoerr, and Carolyn Hawk absent. We cooked a brisket, and everyone brought a side dish for our meal prior to the meeting. It was a great way to get things kicked off.
Laurie McCullar gave our financial report, and with a balance of $11,000 in the bank, it was obvious that we had conducted a successful show season. Several requests were made for purchases, and all were approved. Maritza and Sabina had made a request for us to purchase two coffee urns and a microwave for the concession stand. These purchases can probably be made for $100-$120. Also, a request was made to purchase a CD player that would improve our P.A. system, and allow us to play music through our system rather than holding a mic in front of a speaker. That purchase cost around $40. For office supplies, we looked for a stand alone printer/copier that we could use for the front office of our shows and events. The printer that we selected also had the technology to print digital photos on the spot which is an added value. And finally, we purchased a printing calculator for the front office.
In other news, we agreed to support the 2004 ITLA Convention with a sponsorship of $500.
We selected our unsung hero, (which is covered elsewhere in this issue).
We revoked our previous amendment which required an adult to accompany a pee-wee into the show ring because at both of our shows the rule had not been adhered to.
For removal of members, we agreed that the ITLA by-laws would be sufficient without requiring us to adopt a specific amendment of our own.
A proposal to change our minimum age requirement for Directors to 25 years of age did not receive a second. Motion died.
An inventory of our trailer and all assets was ordered and will be conducted this fall.
The secretary was instructed to begin to create an archive for us which would be filed by year, which could easily be stored or moved intact.
Checks which we still had on closed accounts were ordered destroyed by fire, with the journals remaining intact.
Also from the meeting, several proposals were made concerning changes to our by-laws. Our affiliate has changed over the past 10 years, and there was a need for some changes to the by-laws to help things run more smoothly, and to accommodate our present concerns. Not all of the proposals met with approval, but the following were accepted and approved by unanimous decision of the Board of Directors present at the meeting. A complete copy of the changes is available for the asking. The following are highlights from the changes.
It was decided that we would no longer offer lifetime memberships, but would offer discounts for multiple year annual memberships. At our inception, lifetime memberships were offered to help us get off the ground, however, most of the members who have joined in recent years have joined at the annual level. Lifetime memberships will continue to be honored for everyone who was a member prior to July 2004. |
For notification of the annual meeting, the time frame was changed from 60 days notice, to 30 days notice. |
For notification of a special meeting, the time frame was changed from 30 days notice, to 15 days notice. |
Under voting privileges, for a member to be eligible to vote in a current election, they must have been a member for at least 45 days. |
For removal of Directors, if they miss three consecutive meetings during their term of office, they may be considered for removal. |
The Board of Director’s meetings have changed from a quarterly requirement, to a semi-annual requirement. Additional meetings may be called as necessary to conduct the business of the affiliate. |
The section defining the officers was changed to preclude only the office of President from holding more than one position. |
Our fiscal year, and the due date for all current memberships was set as March 9th of each year. |
To be eligible to serve as an officer of the corporation, a member must have served on the board for the 12 proceeding months, and be at least 25 years of age. (At a previous BOD meeting, it was determined that the minimum age for Directors would be 18 years of age.) |
Finally, due to the disruption in our election process last year, it was necessary to review the process in order to meet compliance. For the past few years we have solicited an open election process from our members to determine who will serve as officers of the affiliate. Anyone could run for President, Secretary/Treasurer, or Vice President. According to our by-laws, the process should require us to solicit votes from members to elect “Directors” to a three year term, and then the Board of Directors shall elect from the board, “Officers” to serve one year terms. Currently, there are no limits to how many terms an officer may serve. Future elections will be conducted to elect Directors for vacant positions, and not the selection of Officers.

2004 Officers
Vice President - John Ingle *** Secretary/Treasurer - Laurie McCullar *** President - Donny Heinze
Region 11 has a new Director, Raelynn Stephens. Several members in Region 11 were expecting a heated race this September between Raelynn, and the nominating committee’s choice, incumbent Robby Robinson, who filled John Hodges unexpired term when he became President. At the recent ITLA board meeting, however, Robby asserted that he didn’t even know he had been nominated, and chose not to run another term.
Raelynn brings many years of experience to the ITLA Board of Directors, having served as National Youth Director and as Chairman of the Show Committee in past years. Longhorns are part of her daily life, and not simply a leisure activity as some of us might enjoy. She and her husband, Stan, live on a small ranch near Chalk Mountain, and have spent a great deal of their lives enjoying horses and longhorns. With the many clients that she has served over the years, you’ll find that her answering machine will quickly tell you, “I’m out in the barn right now...”, which well she should be. If she’s not halter breaking an unruly young bull, you might find her out in the pasture giving a herd evaluation, or making a recommendation on a new herd sire. If there’s a show within driving distance, you’ll probably see her there promoting quite a large number of animals in the show ring. If there’s not a show within driving distance, she might be up north judging a longhorn show or giving a seminar up there. Combine all of these things, and it’s easy to see that she has her finger on the pulse of what is going on within the industry.
Raelynn has always been a strong advocate for our youth. In years past you would find her at the shows with a young sidekick that she was helping to learn the business, and at this year’s Convention she will be doing the same; hosting some kids that would otherwise not be able to attend. She has held camp’s and hosted seminars to benefit the youth, and has helped out at shows and events that were dedicated to promoting our youth.
It’s quite obvious that this lady lives and breathes longhorns, and will be an asset to Region 11 and its members both in the community, and on the board. Welcome Raelynn, and good luck.
In other news from the ITLA elections, we welcome from Region 11, John Hodges in his return as President. MTLA members, John & Sheila, live in Midlothian and are always busy promoting longhorns, our affiliate, and the ITLA. For Vice President, we have former Region 9 Director, Jim Whaley moving up. Jim and April live in Lubbock with their 4 sons, and have been the backbone of the West Texas affiliate for many years. Dyann Foster, past President of Region 10's Lonestar affiliate, will return to the ITLA BOD as At-Large Director for an uncontested term. Dyann and husband, Brian, live up near Paris and manage quite a few longhorns in between paying jobs. Dyann has been instrumental in developing and maintaining the ITLA website, as well as software for the office.
In the only contest of this year’s elections, we have Larry Lonero and Gary Bruch nominated by committee for At-Large positions. Receiving the required number of nominations from the membership are Larry Smith II, and Lucretia Bourrous who are running for those same At-Large positions. The results from these contests will be announced at the Convention in October. Best of luck to all of the nominees and participants in this year’s elections.
ONE INCREDIBLE WEEKEND Submitted by Brad Hancock
When it comes to authentic western flavor, nothing comes closer than a refreshing weekend in the Hill Country of Texas. What could possibly make a weekend getaway in Bandera even more exciting? How about getting to ride your Texas Longhorn steers in a parade?

Recently a group of us were asked to bring our riding steers down to participate in the Celebrate Bandera parade to be held over the Labor Day weekend. We all got together and rounded up a group of riding steers, and headed on down into the historic and scenic hill country just northwest of San Antonio. With luck, and jumbling of schedules we were able to all meet up at Hico and caravan together to our destination. Once there we were personally greeted by the parade organizer. After introductions all around we were shown where we would be joining the parade and where we were exiting the procession. An escort of two Texas Rangers riding behind us had even been pre-arranged! It was looking like this would be one of the best organized parades our group had ever ridden in. There was even an official vehicle that would be provided to escort us to the city park after the parade, too.
As if all of this impressive planning and support wouldn’t be enough, the parade organizers had also arranged lodging and meals for us. They boarded us at the Silver Spur Guest Ranch just out of town. Our group was afforded a spacious two-room bunkhouse with all of the amenities and run of the property. Since we had arrived a little later than expected, they had even held up dinner for us. We were treated to a wonderful fish dinner with a selection of desserts and coffee. After dinner we decided to saddle up the steers and ride them around the ranch for a sort of “test drive” to see how they would all interact together. The procession soon drew the interest of the other guests at the ranch, as well as piqued the interest of the ranch hands and wranglers. It wasn’t long before we were chatting with these folks and discussing techniques for training steers and allowing them to try their hand at riding some too.
The Silver Spur Guest Ranch has just started their own herd of Texas Longhorn cattle, and now they have an even deeper appreciation for the many different abilities these cattle possess. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them raising their own herd of riding and tame steers in the near future.
The Celebrate Bandera parade had a very unique Grand Marshall this year – it was a herd of very impressive steers provided by the YO Ranch for a re-enactment of a trail drive up the Western Trail. Our group was not too far behind this magnificent mixture of horn, color and heritage, so the effect of seeing people actually riding atop these stately animals drew quite a reaction from the crowd. There were many smiling faces waving excitedly back at us as we progressed up Main Street. Even the weather managed to give us a break. The light drizzle eased up just enough for the roads to dry off as we started into the parade route and the rain held off until right as we dismounted.
After the parade, we set up a display in the Bandera City Park by the scenic Medina River. We were there to answer questions and to educate the public about the Texas Longhorn breed of cattle. Quite frankly, all of us were amazed at the number of people that came by to ask questions and pet the steers. I had never personally been asked so many pertinent questions in my life. There are folks out there that are genuinely interested in the breed, and this was a wonderful way to reach out to them. There was a small yearling steer brought along to appeal to the youngest children, while others were more enthralled by the mature animals. We handed out several pamphlets describing the ITLA and it’s vision, and I believe we may have even gotten a few new breeders from this event!

Everyone who came along on this trip did a wonderful job of promoting both the ITLA and our breed, and I would like to sincerely thank them for their incredible effort. Along with them, I just cannot thank the Bandera Convention and Visitors Bureau/Chamber of Commerce enough too. A special thanks also goes out to our gracious hosts at the Silver Spur Guest Ranch, who not only provided us lodging but also provided several wonderful meals. I wish there was also a way to thank the parade attendees. This crowd was the best behaved group of onlookers that I have had the pleasure to entertain. They kept their children a respectful distance from the steers, applauded when we approached, and best of all, we were not pelted with candy as we had been in one parade several years ago. I also appreciate the exhaustive effort of Janet Kostellic from the Flying Double J Ranch for making all of the arrangements for this event.
Would we do it again? I believe the general consensus is a resounding Heck Yes! All of us were wondering what the catch was – we were provided excellent accommodations, well fed, applauded by a truly appreciative crowd, treated like royalty by the parade staff, and yet all we had to do was ride in a parade and then later set up in a shady park next to the river to tell people about why Texas Longhorns are the greatest breed of cattle ever created. I would bet that everyone else could see why we would jump at the chance to do this again.
The ITLA Longhorn Riding Club was represented by the following people at this event:
Janet Kostellic of the Flying Double J Ranch riding Red River Playboy |
Russell E. & Dylan Fairchild of Fairchild Texas Longhorns riding Snickers |
Lani & Tori Fairchild of Fairchild Texas Longhorns riding Choctaw |
Dyann Crosby of Fairchild Texas Longhorns riding Peanut |
Danielle Andrews of AK Longhorns riding Rex |
Beth Anne Hyde of the Bar HL Ranch riding Awesome Fire |
Rachel Collins riding Super Czech |
Robin Hancock of Dry Creek Longhorns riding Zhi Petro |
Brad Hancock of Dry Creek Longhorns riding Gunsmoke |
And much appreciated ground support was provided by Joel & Carolyn Hawk, Lisa Trussel, and David Crosby
It is with great honor that we announce our selection of this year’s Unsung Hero for our affiliate. Each year, the ITLA recognizes each affiliate’s unsung hero at the Convention, and this year we have selected John & Sheila Hodges for that recognition. John & Sheila have supported MTLA in many ways throughout the years with sponsorships and donations, volunteering at the shows, and opening their home to our youth members. This year, we are specifically recognizing their contribution to our Cleburne show which went over and above what would normally be expected from our members, and was a shining example of their dedication to our affiliate. Our many thanks to J-S Ranch for your continued support, and congratulations on being selected this year’s recipient of our highest award.
Riding Steers? You bet. Janice Heinze reports that she just took in a young steer from Debbie Gryder to train to ride a couple of weeks ago, and he’s already ready to go. Training a steer that quickly isn’t typical, but it can sure make it easy compared to a knot head that is slow to learn.
Janice has been invited to give a couple of riding seminars. The first one will be held on October 3rd in Fort Worth and is being hosted by the Fort Worth Public Library as part of their outreach program to youth and the community. They will be set up in the parking lot next to the library on Sunday from 2pm to 7pm. Janice said that she plans to show the public how docile and manageable these creatures can be: and she will offer to let parents take photos of the kids on the steers.
Her next seminar will take place one week later at Darol Dickinson’s ranch on October 9th, and he says that there has been a lot of interest in her seminar and the other seminars to be given that weekend. This is being hosted by ORVTLA affiliate, and we will report on these stories in the next newsletter.
November 2003 Newsletter

Current News
We had a very productive meeting on November 8th at the J bar S Ranch. As usual, John and Sheila Hodges were gracious host's. I would like to thank them for all of their time and effort they expended to ensure that all those who attended had a great time. One of the items we accomplished was the approval of an early spring show next year. The board voted on and approved having our first show on March 5,6 and 7. It will be held at the Johnson County Sherrif's Posse Arena in Cleburne. This time we have also reserved the large covered arena in addition to the livestock show barn. I need to start getting commitments from you members out there - I need volunteers to assist during the show (ring stewards, official bookkeeper, concession stand operators and wranglers for the nonhaltered show) and to help set up. Please contact me if you are able to assist in any way.
I would also like to remind everyone that we need nominations for all positions of the MTLA board. Get those in early so that we can get a ballot out in time this year. I would like to see the ballots go out in February so that we can announce the new officers at our first show.
I hope to see everybody on the show circuit next year - remember, not only does our affiliate need your support, but all of the ITLA affiliates can benefit from our participation!
Remember, if you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me. It is usually best to catch me by my e-mail address Longhorns@htcomp.net but you can also call me at (254) 797-5506 too. Thanks, Brad Hancock
Attention all MTLA members, big and small!! The MTLA youth will be hosting a “Turn-About” show this year. The show is scheduled for June 19th, 2004 in Midlothian, Texas. The entry fees will be $10 per animal, and all proceeds will benefit the youth program. The classes will be the same as any open show.
So, you don’t know what a Turn-About show is? The youth will be responsible for putting all aspects of the show together. The judges will be Brandee Baldwin, and Ryley McCullar. Other youth will help out with other show duties such as ring steward, gate keeper, announcer, book keeper etc. So here’s the twist. All of the entries in the show will be exhibited by the parents and other adults....many of whom have never been in the show ring before. You want to see something that is one of a kind? Come and join us for a class of adult showmanship. The judges for this event will be Kurt Knoerr and Stephanie Carrington.
Please join us this day and help support the Metroplex youth. Don’t miss the fun or excitement, or hilarity that this show promises to offer. It will be a unique experience. More details are coming soon.
As always, if you have any suggestions for the youth, please let me know by email at a6543210@itexas.net or by phone at (817) 512-3315. See you in the ring...Danielle AndrewsYouth Director
The following is our financial report as of October 30th, 2003. There's not a lot going on this time of year with fund raising
or debts, so the balance is pretty much the same as the last report. Still, with $6619 in the bank, we are prepared to start
work on our upcoming shows. |
Balance Sheet |
October 30th, 2003 |
Checking Saint Jo | 1809.97 |
Savings Saint Jo | 2860.81 |
Youth Fund Saint Jo | 1949.17 |
Total Assets | 6619.95 |
Liabilities & Equity |
Retained Earnings | 6384.17 |
Net Income | 235.78 |
Total Equity | 6619.95 |
Balance | 6619.95 |
Sing Along To The Beverly Hillbillies Tune
Lemme tell you all a story about a man named Larry.
Wanted to sell his last cow, and found it awful scary.
Everyone was away...at Convention, or a show.
How much would she bring? He really didn’t know.
Any of you that missed the sale, missed a very nervous Larry Smith fresh off the airplane, back from Louisville where he had just judged the Loose show. The barn was full of anticipation as everyone speculated just how much Lot #9 would bring.
Most of you know that Larry has a big place in his heart for steers, yet here was this last female cluttering up the pasture he had to get rid of. In earlier days, there were lots of cows around. Many had come and gone in the past, and Larry will probably make room for some more in the future, but the story of this particular longhorn starts way back on Bart & Phyllis May’s ranch.
From one of Bart’s breedings came a calf which Larry bought at about 2 months old which he named “Princessa”. It takes a pretty trained eye to spot a winner at just 2 months old, but Larry was confident that just maybe he had something. Once he got Princessa up to breeding age, he bred her to his bull “Encore”, an Impact’s Texas Ranger bull. If you haven’t already guessed, “Tiara” was the result of this breeding. When Larry loaded them both up, and showed Princessa with Tiara at side at the Houston Livestock Show in 1998, they brought home top honors, and Larry knew that he had struck gold in the show ring.
He sold Princessa to Stan & Raelynn Stephens where she is still on the show string, but held on to Tiara. When he decided to sell her, it could not have been a busier weekend in the industry. There were at least three major events scheduled for that weekend, and Larry had already been to one of them. Home at last, with pre-auction offers running through his head, lots #1 through #8 must have seemed like an eternity. Finally, Lot #9 entered the ring....bull calf at side......horns off the scale. The bids flew by fast.... quickly surpassing the couple of hundred I had agreed to bid if no one else was in. Joyce was handling some of the phone in bids, but the buyer was there in person, determined to not be out-bid. When the Colonel gave the final strike of the gavel, Bruce Easterly had won out with a final bid of $12,500.00 I think you could actually hear the sigh of relief Larry let out when it was all said and done.
As for any of you hoping to be Larry’s new long lost friend, you can forget it. The money’s already gone towards a new pickup, and college money for a couple of young daughters, Meagan and Kendall.
So what about those steers we talked about at the first of this story? "Gus" just happened to earn High Point Senior Steer in the Nation for 2003. Way to go Larry!
Highlights from the meeting at Hodges on Nov 8th include the meeting called to order by President Hancock. The minutes were approved from the previous BOD meeting. Rick Baldwin made a motion to accept the minutes as they were, seconded by Sabina Knoerr.
Brad made a motion to suspend the rules of order, which was seconded by Rick Baldwin. Brad submitted proposals for the next show at Cleburne which included the date, awards, judges, sponsorships, etc. Sabina Knoerr made a motion to accept the budget, and Maritza Andrews seconded. Brad explained that nominations for the 2004 officers will be mailed out on formal ballots. Names for positions on the board and directors need to be turned in. The ballots will be mailed out, and the results will be announced in March 2004.
Laurie McCullar presented a money-raiser for the youth which was a scratch off card with donations. Motion was made by Rick Baldwin to adjourn, seconded by John Hodges. Meeting adjourned.

2003 Camp Photo
RV Ranch Youth Camp has established a board of directors to help administer the progress of a growing youth organization, and they conducted their first planning meeting Nov. 15th, 2003 at a lunch in Stephenville, Texas. Members of the board include, Randy Ingle - Chairman, John Ingle - Administrator, Sabina Knoerr - Director, Maritza Andrews - Director, Donna Bridges - Director, Raelynn Stephens - Instructor, and Bart May - Instructor. In addition, some of the instruction will be conducted by youth mentors, Danielle Andrews, and Stephanie Carrington.
Topics covered at the meeting included discussion of new curriculum added to the camp for 2004. We will still include the basics of halter breaking, showmanship, cattle evaluation and ring etiquette for those who would still benefit from those topics, and have added to their schedule, “Sell Me Your Longhorn” which will have them prepare an ad for a sale catalog and make a presentation to the group to sell their calf. The second group will consist of camp members who have shown that they have mastered the basic skills, and are ready to grasp more advanced topics. This year’s focus will be, the historical impact of famous sires and dams on the industry. Youth in this group will be required to bring papers on two of their animals, trace their lineage back to a famous sire or dam, and be prepared to give oral reasons regarding the influence they have made on their herd. We will even have some classroom time for the Pee Wee’s and have developed some educational work for them based on their level. They will get to learn about grooming and leading an animal, and will learn anatomy from coloring the different body parts. Once the classroom sessions are over, all of the youth will demonstrate what they have learned as we conduct a hand’s on showmanship class.
This year’s camp is scheduled for Saturday February 21st and Sunday February 22nd, 2004 in Stephenville, Texas. It’s an overnight camp with the kids sleeping up in the barn. Most of our instruction is on Saturday, with cattle evaluation or some other topic on Sunday, and generally we are ready to depart by noon Sunday. Travel trailers are welcome for the adults who wish to stay, or accommodations can be made in Stephenville which is about 15 miles away. The camp goes on regardless of what the weather throws at us, as we now have youth members who are traveling from out of state. We can conduct classroom activities inside the barn if we have to, but would rather provide the hand’s on experience and be outside.
We always have some games planned for after the classes on Saturday, then we have our meal and light the big bon fire. This year, we are going to have a chuck wagon here for the dinner meal and breakfast. This is our first year to attempt something of this nature, but eating out of a chuck wagon will add some historical background about what it was like out on the trail. Well...we won’t actually make the kids eat an authentic meal of salt pork, beans and biscuits, so the meals will be more nostalgic than authentic, but we feel that a chuck wagon will be a great addition to the camp.
The camp is offered free to all youth who have an interest in owning or showing longhorns thanks to the generosity of our many sponsors and volunteers. The instructors for the camp are ITLA judges, and the curriculum is based on ITLA show standards and judging criteria. Youth are welcome from either association or even if you don’t own a calf yet but want to get involved.
We have seen a tremendous increase in confidence, public speaking, and showmanship skills from the youth who have attended the camp in years past, and we hope these skills provide a firm foundation for longhorn ownership and ranching in their adult lives.
If you need additional information about the camp, or want to be added to our mailing list, please contact John Ingle at (254) 965-4412. Updates to this year's camp activities will be included in future newsletters, and the invitations will be sent out in December. We hope you will make plans to get your kids to the camp and join us for some fun and new events this year. Click HERE to go to the camp webpage for pics and more information.
1994 - 2004 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY

2004 will celebrate the 10th year for MTLA, and we have chosen to mark this celebration with a commemorative T-Shirt, and encourage all MTLA lifetime and annual members to get involved.
The shirts have been ordered, and orders will be filled to the members who pre-ordered their shirts first. We did order a couple of dozen extra shirts that are not spoken for yet, so if you did not get yours pre-ordered, please let us know ASAP so that we can get your name on the list. Shirts will be available after the first of the year, and payment for the shirts will be due when the shirts once they are available.
We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to share in this one time event, and will support MTLA.
Guns N Roses have a song about “Cold November Rain”, and I now know that the inspiration for that song comes from John & Sheila Hodges. It has become typical now that anytime we plan an end of year youth party at the Hodges’, that rain is going to be in the forecast, regardless of what the weather has been like the week prior, or after, the event. The joke now, is that we’re going to start scheduling the party for mid July since the weather has become so predictable.
Year three, and we’re back at the the Hodges’ on an invite to have a youth party for the kids. In addition to the party, plans were made to hand out the youth Participation Awards for the youth who qualified. Youth Director, Danielle Andrews conducted the youth meeting where plans were also made for the upcoming Turn-About show.

The participation awards this year were personalized show clips for each of the youth who met the minimum requirements. Awards in years past have included embroidered jackets, Montana belt buckles, personalized leather belts, and this year's show clips. Pictured in the photo are, Danielle Andrews (kneeling), Front Row - Marc Knoerr, Sean Knoerr, Aaron Hyde, Kurt Knoerr. Back Row - Stephanie Carrington, Craig Velasquez, Brandee Baldwin, Buddy Hancock, and Beth Ann Hyde. Youth recipients not pictured are Ryley McCullar, Parker Grudt, Kristi Heinze, James Bridges, and Justin Bridges. Congratulations kids!!
Despite the bad weather, we had a nice turnout and lots of food thanks to the brisket which was provided, and all the covered dishes everyone brought. Thanks again to John & Sheila for their gracious invitation, and for hosting this event once again.
There have been some recent additions to our longhorn family, and a couple of new pee-wee's in training that need to be introduced. Pictured are Keara Simpson with her new sister Kylie. That’s right....ITLA Office Manager, Jennifer Simpson and hubby Jason have their second girl,
Kylie, and Jennifer says she’s the exact opposite of Keara. Kylie is very quiet and laid back and just takes things in. She was born September 25th, and weighed 8lbs-12oz, and was 20 inches long. Jennifer says when you compare her baby picture to Kylie’s, it’s almost identical....so now we have a little Jason, and a little Jennifer!!
Second on the list comes to us from east Texas.
Kassity and Justin Taylor are the proud parents of a newborn baby girl, Kamryn Brooke Taylor, who was born November 10th. She was 7lbs 7 oz, and 20.20 inches long. Congratulations to new parents and the new Pee-Wee's in training.

HOTTER 'N HELL - PART II Scheduled for July 29th, 2004
Be brave!.
Several MTLA members made it up to Louisville for the Convention this year and had a great show. We wanted to recognize their accomplishments this year in the show ring, as many of them received National recognition as High Point Merit winners. I want you to take notice how many youth members took top honors this year. Congratulations to all of the winners. The list below is of MTLA members only.
Region 9 |
Ch Jr. Heifer (H) | Lady Blue | Duane & Thresea Tabor |
Ch Jr. Heifer (H) | Starburst 42 | Ryley McCullar |
Res Jr. Heifer (H) | HD Gloria | Duane & Thresea Tabor |
Res Jr. Heifer (H) | Phenom's Chocolate Girl | Joel & Carolyn Hawk |
Res Sr. Heifer (H) | Montana Belle | Beth Ann Hyde |
Ch Jr. Cow (H) | Lady Luck | Ryley McCullar |
Ch Jr. Bull (H) | El Sunrise | Duane & Thresea Tabor |
Ch Jr. Steer (H) | CC Song | Beth Ann Hyde |
Res Jr. Steer (H) | B's Midnight | Aaron Hyde |
Region 10 |
Ch Sr. Cow (NH) | PV Texas Treasure | Kourtney Riley |
Ch Jr. Steer (NH) | Murphy | Git N Better |
Res Jr. Steer (NH) | Wichita | Git N Better |
Ch Sr. Steer (NH) | LY Booger Ray | Ronnie & Katrina Easterling |
Region 11 |
Res Jr. Heifer (NH) | Morning Star | John & Sheila Hodges |
Ch Sr. Heifer (NH) | Tupelo Honey | John & Sheila Hodges |
Ch Jr. Cow (NH) | J/S Molly | John & Sheila Hodges |
Ch Sr. Cow (NH) | Admiral's Song | John & Sheila Hodges |
Ch Jr. Steer (NH) | Hill Climber 2's Mac | Bar W Ranch |
Ch Jr. Heifer (H) | Ranger's Southern Belle | Donny & Janice Heinze |
Res Jr. Heifer (H) | Measle's Mustang Sally | Donny & Janice Heinze |
Ch Sr. Heifer (H) | Texas Lady HL | Kristi Heinze |
Res Sr. Heifer) | B's Diva | Brandee Baldwin |
Res Jr. Cow (H) | WInd Drifter's Lil Breeze | Rocking B Ranch |
Ch Jr. Bull (H) | Doc Holiday | Renee Carrington |
Res Int Bull (H) | Measle's Tater HL | Kristi Heinze |
Res Sr. Bull (H) | B's Millionheir | Rocking B Ranch |
Ch Jr. Steer (H) | Gunsmoke | Brad & Robin Hancock |
Res Jr. Steer (H) | RV Bruce | Justin Bridges |
Ch Sr Steer (H) | Gus | Larry Smith II |
Res Sr. Steer (H) | Knight RIder | Kristi Heinze |
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